Archive for April 1, 2012

Monday 20120402 Open Workout

Posted: April 1, 2012 by totactfit01 in Uncategorized

NOTE:  The folks from Public Affairs are schduled to be at the 0600 class.  So, if you want a chance at having your pretty mug in the base paper grinding through a WOD, BE THERE!



5 Sets of…

500m Row

2min rest between sets (Clock will keep moving.  Look up at the end of you 500M row and make note of the time on the big clock so you know when to start your next round)

Hold sets within 10sec of each other

Enter results to comments/    On logwod, record your best time.  Only put the WOD as RX’d if you were able to keep all 5 rounds within 10 seconds of eachother.

Compare times to 20120306   Yes, on the 6th of last month, you only did 4 rounds.  Can you hold the same speed at five rounds?

Courtesy of CrossFit HQ.  Angela Hart going over some common faults seen in rowing.  Does your row look like this?  Want to fix it?  Our resident rowing expert, Coach Mieke will be running the 0600 Open class.  Also, coach Will will be running the afternoon class.  Both will ensure your technique is improved, giving you an even better 500M row time!

NOTE:  Please ensure when you come in for Open Class, the first thing you do is put your name up on the white board.  This way, it makes it easier to put up your results at the end of the WOD

Cash Out:

Walk 400m

Our latest group of On-Ramp graduates.  Show ’em some love in the Open Classes folks!  And watch out!  These folks are gamers!