Archive for September, 2018

Special Saturday WOD

Posted: September 10, 2018 by TOTF in Uncategorized

All, On Saturday at 9:00am (or 0900 for you military types) we will be doing a special WOD.  This WOD is a fundraiser for Abby LeClaire who is fighting leukemia.  Abby is the daughter of Dave LeClaire the former president of TOTF and one of the plank holders in the club.

The WOD starts at 9:00, and we are requesting a $20 donation for Abby.  If you can’t donate that’s ok, show up and suffer with us.

Here is the WOD.



Teams of Two

13 rounds for time:

100M med ball run together (one medball per team.  Can switch as needed)

then perform I go, you go style

3 power cleans

7 toes 2 bar

(so, partner 1 holds the ball while partner 2 does the cleans and ttb.  Then they switch the ball and partner 1 does the cleans and ttb.)


Category 1 – 20/14 Ball, 225/160 PC

Category 2 – 20/14 ball, 185/130 PC

Category 3 – 14/12 ball, 135/95 PC, Hanging knee raises

We look forward to seeing you on Saturday.


September fun

Posted: September 6, 2018 by TOTF in Uncategorized

Everyone. The box is open and running!  In the morning you just have to walk around the barricades. In the afternoon you have to go outside and in through the back door.


We we are working on programming.  We recently lost the use of comptrain.