WW1 Team Comp 2015

Winter Warrior
It is time again for the Team Offutt Tactical Fitness winter competition. Get ready for WWI! 


Teams of 4: 2 males and 2 females.

Scaled and RX divisions.


Register here!



$160 per team

Includes a shirt for each athlete

No transfers or refunds



RX: ​

(note ​all ​weights ​are ​listed ​male ​/ ​female)

Back ​Squat ​- ​225 ​/ ​165
Clean ​and ​Jerk ​- ​185 ​/ ​135
Snatch ​- ​135 ​/ ​95
Deadlift ​- ​315 ​/ ​225
KB Swing ​2 ​/ ​1.5
Chest ​to ​bar ​pull ​up
Double ​unders
Toes ​to ​Bar
Rope ​climb ​- ​15 ​feet
Ring ​dips
Hand ​Stand ​Push ​Ups
There ​may ​also ​be ​odd ​objects ​(stones, ​barrels/kegs ​etc) ​not ​to ​exceed ​150 ​/ ​125

 ​Please also bring a swim suit…you know…just in case!


SX ​and ​Masters:

​(note ​all ​weights ​are ​listed ​male ​/ ​female)

Back ​Squat ​- ​185 ​/ ​135
Clean ​and ​Jerk ​- ​135 ​/ ​95
Snatch ​- ​105 ​/ ​75
Deadlift ​- ​255 ​/ ​155
KB Swing ​1.5 ​/ ​1
Chin ​over ​bar ​pull ​up
Single ​unders
Knees ​to ​Elbows
Rope ​climb ​- ​15 ​feet
Ring ​Dips
Hand ​Stand ​Hold
There ​may ​also ​be ​odd ​objects ​(stones, ​barrels/kegs ​etc) ​not ​to ​exceed ​125 ​/ ​100

Please also bring a swim suit…you know…just in case!

There may be a surprise tiebreaker if needed!



Offutt Field House on Offutt Air Force Base



January 17, 2015 at 8:00am

Check in at 7:00am

Awards and Prizes at 6:00pm (approx)


Volunteers and Spectators:

If you are interested in volunteering or cheering on athletes, please go to our registration website and register as an individual. We will need the following information so that you can gain access to Offutt AFB. Please have information in no later than 1/07/2015. This is time sensitive! 

Full Name

Date of Birth

Driver’s License Number and State of Issue

Contact Number


  1. BJ Hanger says:

    Are the scaled and master’s divisions lumped together for competition or in separate groups? I see the standards are lumped together. If they are separate, what is the criteria for master’s teams?

    • brianhag says:

      BJ, Would-be Masters Athletes should register as part of a team of comparable athletes (Rx or Scaled), independent of age. There will not be a Masters Team competition. We look forward to having you compete.

  2. RJ says:

    What date do teams need to be registered by?

  3. Registration will close on Monday 12 Jan to allow approval of the access list. T-shirt orders will be placed 30 Dec, so registrations after that time will not be guaranteed their ordered shirt size.

  4. brianhag says:

    Also, registration may close sooner if your desired category fills before then (25 Rx and 25 scaled teams).

  5. Emilee says:

    Is there an age requirement?

  6. brianhag says:

    Emilee, Competitors under 18 must have the waiver signed by parent or guardian, otherwise, from the Offutt Field House age policy: Age 16 is unrestricted. 13-15 requires interactive supervision from an adult (parent, legal guardian, qualified fitness instructor or youth program staff member, or coach) [for the purposes of the competition, CFTOTF fitness instructors will not meet this requirement- it will need to be someone coming with the athlete]. <12 access is prohibited. I hope that helps.

  7. Shamus Johnson says:

    I tried to register this evening to spectate this event. My wife is competing and it wont let me.

    • ladygrape01 says:

      For anyone that is still in need of sending in spectator information; please send an email to totactfit@gmail.com with the following information:
      Full Name, age w/ date of birth, Drivers License & state of issue, and phone number.
      This information needs to be received by 7pm CST tonight January 13th. Any emails received after this cut off will NOT be able to attend the event. This is nonnegotiable and there will be NO exceptions. This is very time sensitive. Thanks.

  8. KM says:

    Will competitors kids be allowed to watch if they have other supervision?

    • ladygrape01 says:

      As long as they are being supervised by a non-athlete adult, they are more than welcome to come watch! Good Luck!

  9. Jared stockwell says:

    I had a question regarding spectator sign up for the TactFit competition this weekend. On the website the deadline had come and gone to be okayed as a spectator. I then heard from several people that there is a January 14th deadline for spectators. Looking for clarification on this.

    Hope things are going well and look forward to hearing from you.


    • ladygrape01 says:

      For anyone that is still in need of sending in spectator information; please send an email to totactfit@gmail.com with the following information:
      Full Name, age w/ date of birth, Drivers License & state of issue, and phone number.
      This information needs to be received by 7pm CST tonight January 13th. Any emails received after this cut off will NOT be able to attend the event. This is nonnegotiable and there will be NO exceptions. This is very time sensitive. Thanks.

  10. Patrick says:

    I have the same question…I would like to see if I can get two spectators signed up and was also thinking that I saw January 14th as the deadline. Please let me know…looking forward to the event!


    • ladygrape01 says:

      For anyone that is still in need of sending in spectator information; please send an email to totactfit@gmail.com with the following information:
      Full Name, age w/ date of birth, Drivers License & state of issue, and phone number.
      This information needs to be received by 7pm CST tonight January 13th. Any emails received after this cut off will NOT be able to attend the event. This is nonnegotiable and there will be NO exceptions. This is very time sensitive. Thanks.

  11. barb paa says:

    Hi, I see the deadline for spectators has passed. Is there still time to get registered? I have 3 coming from Sioux Falls that would like to watch. Thank you
    Barb Paa

    • ladygrape01 says:

      For anyone that is still in need of sending in spectator information; please send an email to totactfit@gmail.com with the following information:
      Full Name, age w/ date of birth, Drivers License & state of issue, and phone number.
      This information needs to be received by 7pm CST tonight January 13th. Any emails received after this cut off will NOT be able to attend the event. This is nonnegotiable and there will be NO exceptions. This is very time sensitive. Thanks.

  12. ladygrape01 says:

    For anyone that is still in need of sending in spectator information; please send an email to totactfit@gmail.com with the following information:
    Full Name, age w/ date of birth, Drivers License & state of issue, and phone number.
    This information needs to be received by 7pm CST tonight January 13th. Any emails received after this cut off will NOT be able to attend the event. This is nonnegotiable and there will be NO exceptions. This is very time sensitive. Thanks.

  13. Ted says:

    Is there a certain gate we have to use to get civilian competitors on post? I have a DOD ID but I’m competing with civilians. I’d like to use the south gate, is this OK?

  14. Hwm says:

    Just got cleared from work to cheer on my gym this weekend is it too late to register as a spectator?

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