Archive for November 21, 2012

Thursday 20121122 Thanksgiving WOD

Posted: November 21, 2012 by totactfit01 in Uncategorized

Happy Thanksgiving TactFitters!  With the gym being closed, today’s WOD is designed to be done anywhere you want.  Get out, get some fresh air and work up a sweat before getting down to some good eating with friends and family.  Also, if you don;t want to do this WOD, feel free to take today and do something fun.  Maybe get some friends together and go play some football.  Maybe hit a scenic trail for a run.  Enjoy the day, give thanks for the good things in life and your health.  And come in at 0900 tomorrow for our one class.


21/15/9 –  with a 400M run in between*
reps of:
lunges (Each leg ½ rep)

*So, the way this works is, 21 lunges per leg, 21 sit ups, 21 burpees, 400M run, 15 lunges per leg, 15 sit ups, 15 burpess, 400M run, 9 lunges per leg, 9 sit ups, 9 burpees, 400M run.

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